Wilmot Ski Team

GOOD LUCK to racers participating at Mt. LaCrosse, the USSA Central Finale at Brule, to Alex Meller at the Rocky Central U16 Championships and our racers at the Western High School Championships in Wyoming!

Congratulations to all our racers at Cascade. Race results for Tyrol, Sundown, Chestnut and Cascade are here and here.

Sync orders can be placed any time for team gear, but if you need a team jacket sooner, please reach out on the Facebook parents group. There are much faster options for ordering a plain jacket and having it embroidered.

Questions? Email info@wilmotskiteam.org.

Wilmot Ski Team’s goal is to help junior racers advance physically and mentally for ski racing with the use of proven coaching techniques. Racers will compete in WIJARA and USSA sanctioned races throughout the ski season.  

The team trains on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:30am to 12:30, and optionally (with additional registration), Tuesday and Thursday nights from 5:30pm to 7:30.  Typically the team has 120+ racers of all abilities participate each year.  No prior racing experience necessary although skiers should be able to ski all terrain and ride all lifts at Wilmot without assistance.

The coaching staff is made up of many who have USSA and PSIA certifications.  Many of the coaches have competed at the college and national level as ski racers.

If you have a child on the team, consider joining the Facebook parents’ group. The team also employs Team Snap for up-to-the-minute communication.