• Announcements

    Tyrol Race Details

    Welcome to Tyrol Wijara Finale! Wilmot inspection is at 8:30am. U8/10/12 racers meetCoach Steve, Andrew, Vlad and Coach Lucas at the top of Twister (skier’s left) at 8:25 am sharp! U14/16/18/20 racers meetCoach Jon, Kevin, Vach at the top of Bumpbuster (skier’s right)At 8:25am sharp! The toughest run at Tyrol is the parking lot!!Get there early or you park in Canada! As you walk (slide) down the hill from the parking lot, stay to the right and follow the crowd. Take racers here to the bottom of the B Lift first and then go get lift tickets. To get tickets, WALK on the parking side, up and around the building…

  • Announcements

    Devil’s Head Videos

    Videos from Devil’s Head have been uploaded and renamed by bib number. Video from practice drills was also shot on 2/6. There are 10 examples in the shared folder. Video is in the same location with the same password, just different sub folder for DH Password is [[SEE TEAM SNAP FOR PW]] Link: https://wilmostskiteam-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/president_wilmotskiteam_org/EiCd0M__T8tAjWtuydj_wWQBEN4I9RI5bVdfjgBaegaVCA?e=N7GjZG