• Training

    Sundown Videos

    Videos from Sundown have been uploaded and renamed by bib number. Many thanks to Jeff Curry, Matt Coughlin, Kevin Desai, Abhi Kumar, and coaches for standing still without gloved hands on such a frigid weekend to get the shots. Video is in the same location with the same password, just different sub folder for Sundown. Password is [[SEE TEAM SNAP FOR PW]] Link: https://wilmostskiteam-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/president_wilmotskiteam_org/EiCd0M__T8tAjWtuydj_wWQBEN4I9RI5bVdfjgBaegaVCA?e=N7GjZG

  • Announcements

    Sundown race details

    Welcome to Sundown weekend!Don’t you love the reaction from friends when you tell them you are headed to a ski vacation in Iowa?! Sundown is also an “upside down” hill where the parking and chalets are at the top. All racers are on the same general hill – both courses start at the top together and the big kids ends to the left while little kids course veers off to the skiers right. We have a Wilmot table downstairs in the South Lodge (it’s the last one as you head down the road – last parking lot- will be the busiest one first thing in the morning). After morning meeting…

  • Announcements

    Chestnut race details

    Chestnut:First race remindersAll registered names appear on the start list regardless of whether racer is actually in attendance. So if you are 15th in U14 girls, and 10 of the girls before you are absent, you will actually run 5th. They will call numbers and skip missing racers. If you miss your start, go to the end of your age class. If you miss your age class, go to the end of your gender. Inspection- only registered racers and race officials are allowed inside the race arena at any time. Racers must inspect with their coaches. There is no parallel skiing allowed during inspection. You must SLIP. They may ask…