Clarification on training schedule
The base program meets on Sat and Sun only. This training is essential and is where we run with a full coaching staff and do necessary drills, skills, progressions and direct and specific coaching at the athlete’s skill level. Weekday add-on training is an additional advanced gate training meant to complement the base program work. Weeknights have a limited coaching staff on limited terrain and aimed at more advanced and more committed racers. There is no combi / build your own race program offered. The base program is not a pick-any-two-days program. It is Saturdays and Sundays as weather and conditions permits. It would be a disservice to the developing…
Chestnut Race Reminders
Inspection Only registered racers and race officials are allowed inside the race arena at any time. Racers must inspect with their coaches. There is no parallel skiing allowed during inspection. You must SLIP. They may ask us to inspect from the outside only. Do not touch a gate during inspection. Do not cross the finish line during inspection. All registered names appear on the start list regardless of whether racer is actually in attendance. So if you are 15th in U14 girls, and 10 of the girls before you are absent, you will actually run 5th. They will call numbers and skip missing racers. If you don’t have your bib,…
Parent meet-up Friday 1/6
We will have a few tables reserved in The Summit Food & Spirit near the bar at Chestnut Mountain Resort 6:30PM – 9PM for a parents meet and greet. Racer bibs and lift tickets will be available for pickup.
Sharpen skis before Chestnut race
Reminder to sharpen those skis before our first race! Here are two videos that will give you some guidance. I will bring my tuning gear to Sundown for a little tuning demo session at the pizza party. I’m not tuning your skis tho – that’s your job -Coach Steve
Welcome to the 2023 WIJARA season!
The preliminary start order for the Chestnut Mountain race has been posted to the WIJARA website: https://wijara.wildapricot.org/page-18079 Please verify your racer’s information – bib number and age group – are correct. If there are any issues with your racer’s information, please contact me as soon as possible. The final start order will be sent out Wednesday evening. We are in need of parent volunteers to gatekeep this weekend. Please use this link: Gatekeeper Sign Up to sign up. All gatekeepers will need to attend a brief meeting at 8 am in the morning on the day you are scheduled to volunteer. PURCHASE LIFT TICKETS TO CHESTNUT ASAP Cyndy BenesWIJARA…