
Dryland Training Follow-up

As a follow up to last week’s dryand session, I wanted to share an outline of our workout. The movement patterns we touched on will improve one’s ability to move like an athlete. Efficient and strong movement is key to success in skiing (or any other sport). 

For a variety of reasons, we cannot host a regular dryland session, however, if your young athlete spends a little time focusing on these movements at home, they will establish a firm foundation from which they can build their skiing goals. I would recommend working on some of these core and stabilization exercises at home. Make it a family event and parents can join in too!  

Anyhow, please see below and attached from (Fitness) Coach Ashley from Pulse Fitness:

Pulse Fitness and I wanted to thank you and your children for participating in dryland practice this past Saturday. We hope the kids not only had a good time but also took something away that can hopefully make them better on the slopes. I wanted to send a quick recap of some of the most important dryland movements that can help the kids this winter. 

Key Fitness Focuses: 

-Hip Mobility (hip flexion mainly, plus internal and external rotation)
-Core Development (for knee & spine stability)

Here is a document with a quick 10-15 minute workout to work on those key fitness focuses for skiers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

-Coach Steve