Announcements,  Training

MUST RSVP for weekend

This weekend 2/4, 2/5:

We have 3 races at different WI and MI travel destinations plus scheduled training at home.

We need EVERYONE on Team Snap to select one of these events so we can balance our coaching staff.

I also think some of you have a valid point in that we still have a few team members who are NOT on TeamSnap or are on here but have not downloaded the app and do not stay up to date. Thanks Chris Carrier and several others for pointing this out.

Again, for 2/4 and 2/5: EVERYONE needs to RSVP for one of our 4 events.

If you are not planning to attend ANY of these, use the schedule to indicate NO for Ski Race Team Practice on 2/4 and 2/5

We will then contact anyone who has not responded to get them on TeamSnap.

There is a very real possibility that we will not have any coaching at home this weekend, pending RSVP attendance as we predict over 90% of the team will be traveling to and competing at races this weekend.

Reminder that we have training T W and Th evenings this week. Wed is open to the entire team. 5:30-7:30pm.

-Coach Jon